Tuesday, September 1, 2009


We know every thing in this world has the energy of different reply. Whether it's a living being or inanimate object. Inanimate objects also have an energy that is mixed. There are objects that store a large energy, some are saving a little energy. The world's largest energy is the energy of the universe where we stand.

One of the dead bodies that have sufficient energy is a stone unique, because the shape and structure of the stone is unique, so that the stone has a different energy with other objects. Stones that have a special energy and can help cure diseases in the human body and neutralizing human energy is the rock crystal.

Rock crystal contains elements that can interact with the human energy centers (chakras). These elements include minerals, iron, and other elements of nature can neutralize the pain in the body. crystal stone healing takes a long time and gradually. There are three cars using crystals for healing, which is soaked in water, embedded, and used. The first stage, soaked, rock crystal is inserted into a glass of water. After that the water used to soak dried in the sun for about 12 hours. Drinking water or mixed into a bucket of water, and used for bathing.

Second, pasted on the pain area. Way, place the crystals in a painful area for 20-30 minutes.

Third, used as jewelry, like necklaces, rings, belts.

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