Thursday, June 24, 2010

What Is Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is an alternative method of healing that makes use of the healing effects of volatile plant oils. These volatile plant oils are composed of some very important essential oils. Aromatherapy is found to be effective for the physical conditions as well as for the psychological conditions.

Aromatherapy is the science of using essential botanical oils in a way that promotes an improved sense of well being. It is often used to alter mood, personalize a room or create an atmosphere. It works with your olfactory senses like this; as scents are inhaled, the smell travels across the olfactory nerve inside the nose, then travels up to the part of the brain that controls mood, memories and our ability to learn.

Aromatherapy only uses essential oils which are considered pure or true oils. Not all essential oils are safe to use in aromatherapy and not all oils you can buy are true or pure essential oils. Synthetically or chemically manufactured oils are not used in aromatherapy, these oils do not contain any of the beneficial chemicals of the real item.

In the case of aromatherapy, benefits that are both well known and desire by many people include an increased ability to cope with stress, and a lasting feeling of peaceful clarity, assuming that the person is engaging in these types of therapy sessions regularly. It's not just about using the sense of smell to allow the fragrance of the oils to permeate the mind, because there's a much more profound physiological reaction at work here as well. While you are peacefully allowing the powerful fragrance of the concentrated oil essences to flow into your lungs, the herbal ingredients are being passively absorbed directly into your bloodstream, where they can have the most rapid effect possible on your body as a whole.

While repeated sessions are always recommended by experienced therapists, a person can begin to experience the positive effects on their first try, so that they can quickly relax and begin to feel much better about things that are going on in their lives. Aromatherapy benefits both the body and the mind, and by inhaling the essences of horrible treasures that are found in nature, we cause the balance of chemistry in our bodies that affects its inherent ability to resist injury and sickness to be altered just slightly. These chemical changes can stay with us to provide a lasting positive affect, and without any of the unnatural side effects that can come along with taking some sort of pill that is supposed to accomplish the same thing.

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