Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Acupuncture Alternative

Acupuncture is has been known as a powerful healing therapy for a very long time. According to the theory that the body is organized by an energetic system which, having no observable pathways available to empirical study, yet manifests itself in countless examples of cures of diverse illnesses and also the alleviation of a variety of pains. Even many modern hospitals employ acupuncture as an choice form of remedy for such ailments as muscle injuries and bone, spine, shoulder and hip illnesses, and also as a means of anesthetic. While many people welcome the remedy, others abhor it, primarily because the principal method of acupuncture is that of sticking the tips of needles along power pathway. It's the needles they don't like, and who can argue with that.

Acupuncture alternatives have been available as long as acupuncture has been available. One of the most prominent acupuncture alternatives, and the most popular, is a type of oriental physical treatment and therapy that uses the exact same theoretical structure as acupuncture, but without the needles. Acupuncture aims to relieve pain by tonifying, calming, or dispersing blockages throughout the entire body. This is accomplished by inserting needles into connecting nodes between Ki channels to disperse, relieve or strengthen this connecting node, known as Shiatsu. It maintains ailments are the result of an imbalance within the flow of Ki through these channels.

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine which uses very thin needles to adjust the meridians of the body. The needle is inserted at a designated point on the body and seated with a tap to the top. It is used successfully in the treatment of chronic pain, arthritis, headaches, ulcers and more. It has even been used instead of anesthesia in some circumstances.

Acupuncture is a treatment technique used in traditional Chinese medicine. Needle-sharp needle is used to stimulate certain points on the body. These points are found on energy pathways called "meridians". Acupuncture treatment designed to improve the flow of energy along the meridians and balance-of this meridian.

Traditional Chinese medicine has a history of more than 2,500 years. It views the human body as a system of energy flows. When these flows are balanced, the body is healthy. The practitioner examining a patient's pulse and observing their tongues to diagnose energy imbalances. In Chinese medicine, pulses can be checked at three locations on each wrist, and at three depths at each location.

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